

By: Jessica

Mexico’s booming tech world: Aguascalientes

In previous inputs, we have talked about some mexican regions that start shining in the IT sky.

This time I want to write about another one that actually represents a huge step in the emerging scene. Aguascalientes known as “The little giant of Mexico”. It is the 2nd smallest State in the Mexican Republic, however it has a privileged commercial location due to high technology industries around the State and reinforced by its road infrastructure, a rail port and an airport that has an important load terminal.

Its privileged location has aimed this region to stand as the 2nd best State for doing business in México, just after Colima (Doing Business in Mexico 2014).

"The little giant of Mexico"

How can we link a good place for doing business with technology? Nowadays their strategic sectors are construction and automotive, however (I´m glad to write the next lines) robotics, information technology and electronics starts positioning as an important industry for the future.

It is important to mention that this sector is still having an important growth due to its synergies with other specialized areas. As an example of this, we can mention the leverage with automotive and auto parts, developing embedded systems and robotics.

Since the IT sector started, Aguascalientes has always had as a main objective to create competitive human capital, to increase their competitiveness and productivity, to be more active in international markets and to develop initiatives to get quality certifications.

Aguascalientes has an annual average of 2,470 students related to IT programs and it is 1st place in number of engineers and technicians per capita in Mexico, which have pushed the region to harbor some of the main players related to the IT sector, these players have together around 4,000 IT Developers working in the region.

Please don´t miss our upcoming inputs, we´ll keep taking an in-depth look to Mexico´s tech world… Aguascalientes, Queretaro, Mexico City, Guadalajara or anywhere you want to establish your company, trust us, we are ScreenIT and we are willing to leverage your business in Mexico.


Doing Business in Mexico, 2014.

ScreenIT interviews.

Secretariat of Economic Development, Aguascalientes State Government.

By: Jess

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