

By: Admin

5 Books For Success You Should Be Reading Right Now

We all know that reading is a great source of wisdom and inspiration, but sometimes it is hard to choose between many topics and authors. That’s why we made this top 5 list of books that will help you achieve success. Enjoy!

The Motivation Myth: How High Achievers Really Set Themselves Up to Win by Jeff Haden.

Coming from’s most popular columnist, Jeff Haden, this business book was a highly anticipated, but practical guide to finding and maintaining the lasting motivation it takes to achieve great things in life. The book is based around Haden’s core belief that, “motivation” as we know it is a complete myth in our society.

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life by Mark Manson.

This New York Times Bestseller is built around the core argument, backed by academic research, that improving our lives hinges not on our ability to turn “lemons into lemonade,” but on learning to stomach the lemons better. It’s about setting realistic expectations for ourselves. Embracing our fears, faults and uncertainties to begin finding the courage, honesty, responsibility we seek.

100 Things Successful People Do: Little Exercises for Successful Living by Nigel Cumberland

This book offers both moments of respite and bolts of energy. Written by Nigel Cumberland, who has 25 years’ experience working globally in the corporate sector, it’s full of words of wisdom for budding entrepreneurs to take on board. The book is simply laid out chronologically, As well as enlightening us on the 100 things to do, it’s peppered with inspirational quotations and personal reflections from the author, giving the tips credibility.

Radical Candor: How to Get What You Want By Saying What You Mean by Kim Scott

Good communication is a vital skill any entrepreneur needs but what if you’re not confident dealing with the hiring and firing that comes with employing your own staff? Former Google and Apple executive Kim Scott draws on her years of experience in Silicon Valley to provide a guide on how to be clear and firm with your employees without falling into false praise or aggression.

The Best Classic Book on Success: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Sthephen R. Covey

In this practical guide, Covey says that success starts from within, with your attitude and the way you eyeball those inevitable obstacles that pop up in your path. He almost dares you not to become successful if you embrace his advice. The book is a list of habits you’ll want to develop if you want to get ahead.

Have you read any of them? Do you have any more suggestions? Write it on the comment section!

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