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Strategic Alliance Announcement


OTTAWA, Ontario, Canada / QUERÉTARO, Qro., México – May 15, 2017 Branham Group Inc. and ScreenIT collectively announced today that they have entered into a strategic alliance to deliver business development services to Canadian ICT companies in Mexico and throughout Latin America.

The Canadian ICT industry is experiencing solid growth due to strong domestic and international demand. The historical connection to the US market is absolutely essential to the growth of the Canadian economy. This will continue. But the huge Mexican and broader Latin American markets also provide an additional source of revenue growth.  This market opportunity has been relatively untapped.

One of the major challenges in the Canadian ICT industry is the shortage of IT engineering and programming talent. This talent shortage has motivated Canadian companies to look outside of North America, specifically other continents to augment their teams. “Mexico is emerging as a serious alternate source of cost-effective talent for Canadian companies” according to Wayne Gudbranson, CEO, Branham Group.  “What is even more important is that these resources are in the same time zone.  ScreenIT has positioned itself as a key source of talent in Mexico and Latin America. We believe they are well positioned to offer strategic value to the Canadian ICT sector.”

“The Branham300 ecosystem clearly demonstrates the depth and breadth of the Canadian ICT industry”, according to Eduardo Campos Segura, CEO, ScreenIT.  “Based on the performance of these top companies, their requirement for skilled staff and the importance of export markets for their growth we believe ScreenIT can be their talent partner in Mexico and of course the broader Latin American corridor.”

Both companies are now focused on realizing business development opportunities between Mexico and Canada.

ScreenIT ( is a leading services provider of Staff Leasing and IT Outsourcing for global technology companies and a select group of national companies. ScreenIT has been successfully serving the US market for almost a decade and growing each year in both number of accounts and reach in those accounts and increasingly incorporating cutting-edge technologies which in turn has achieved Important professional development opportunities for the engineers, developers and technicians of the Information Technology industry in Mexico.

ScreenIT, Building IT Teams Beyond borders®

Branham Group Inc.( is a Canadian based, globally directed Industry Analyst and Strategic Advisory for the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector. Branham provides Planning – Marketing – Partnering service for established and new technology brands in the global market.  With its Branham300 database Branham has expansive data in the Canadian ICT industry.  The Branham300 is a unique community or ecosystem in the Canadian ICT sector that includes privately held and publicly traded tech companies in Canada.

For more information, please contact:

ScreenIT – Rafael Cortés, (442) 290-8254 x 826,,

Branham Group – Wayne Gudbranson, (613) 745-2282 x113,