

By: Admin

The Perfect Mix For Inspiration- 5 Websites You Should Be Looking At

All great projects start with inspiration. And where can we find it? Is true we can find it anywhere; just look out of your field, read a variety of sources both online and offline, expose yourself to entirely different, random viewpoints to truly sparks up creativity.

But as we spend the majority of our time online we want to leave you with a mix of 5 of our favorite content and visual inspirational sites for those days when you don’t feel inspiration flowing.









A magazine every tech junkie should be constantly reading to keep up with trends and create new ideas. Wired tries to reflect the way in which technology affects culture, education, the economy and politics.









If you are a true gamer you should know about Polygon. It keeps up on news, critics and video game culture.









Like critical thinking? you definitely should be reading this online magazine. Leaded by thinkers of science, philosophy, tech and arts, Aeon ask the big questions and find the freshest and most original answers through essays, short ideas and videos.


The Great Everything







This online project explores ideas, stories and culture that bring deeper meaning and connections to daily life. Want inspiration to see, hear or think? You can find it here.









Looking for visual inspiration? Unsplash is your place to explore. Built by a community of photographers around the world you can find beautiful and aesthetic pictures and download or upload yours. Just type a word and get ready to catch the inspiration you are looking for 😉


Remember, always look for different points-of-view to open your spectrum of possibilities.
