Business & Candidates


By: Admin

With our recruitment process you’ll never be left behind.

We’ll call you. This is a phrase used very often after you finish a job interview, right? But what happens after that, do they really call you? And if they call, are they kind enough or are you receiving the information you expected?  If these situations seem familiar to you, you haven’t been in a recruiting process with us. In ScreenIT these would never happen and yes, we are busy with a lot of job offerings but we always have the time to say thank you, to give you a nice friendly call and answer all your doubts, even if you are not hired we’ll keep in touch.

Everything starts with one of our wonderful recruiters calling  to ask you if you are interested in any of our job openings, let me tell you, previous to this call our team has done good researchs about the profile they’re looking for and have read about you, maybe on Linkedin, OCC, or your personal webpage or blog. Why do we do these? To know what are you up to in job matters.

But we don’t stay only with your professional aspirations, we go further, we like to know if you are good with relocating, what location best works for you, dress code preferences,  what benefits do you need, like a medical insurance for you and your family, or a few days off when you are getting married, you may be wondering why? Well, all these perks are very important so you can be comfortable, happy and productive and you make a good click with your new job adventure.

After this call and when the recruitment process has begun, we will guide and be with you in all the process and at all times, even when your interview is at 10:00pm, we’ll make sure you have the right knowledge for the technical interviews and you feel confident.

Commonly you’ll have from 2-3 technical interviews we’ll make you feel secure and confident by giving you all the tips and tricks so you can shine at your best and after every interview your assigned recruiter will give you a call to know how did you feel, coach you and help you if there’s anything that needs to be improved.

Feedback is something you can always expect from us, this part can be a little slow, as we depend on our project engineers and managers for your feedback and they’re busy working and making the world go around so, be patient and trust us we’ll never leave you behind.

An average process can take approximately 3-4 weeks (sometimes it takes longer, even months) from the first contact of our recruiters to your first day in your new job and sometimes a recruitment process can be put on hold, interrupted or canceled we will keep you informed if this happens and don’t worry our recruiters are pleased to stay in touch in case you are feeling ready for a new challenge or you just want to chit chat.

Once you are in for your new job adventure, we are still by your side coaching you with whatever we can help you, like sending the required documents, relocating or even help you to find a new home for you and/or your family. We’ll make sure you arrive to your new job safely.

Now that you know what’s like a recruitment process with ScreenIT we want to hear about you, let us know, what can we improve, how can we help you? Our team is ready to answer all your doubts. Remember you can contact us in our social media, give us a call, or send us an email.

We’ll be happy to hear from you.

By Arce

View Arcelia Hdz. Requena's LinkedIn profile View Arcelia Hdz. Requena’s profile