Business & Candidates


By: Admin

Finding the right fit for you!

So, you are ready to recruit Mexican talent and we have a lot, especially information technology talent but, where to find it? Where should you start from? To save you all that fuzz we have highly trained recruiters to get you the perfect fit for your company, in a minimal amount of time.

You may be wondering; how do you do it? Firstly, we hire recruiters with passion for their job and technology, also English skills are a must for us. That’s a great formula for a team but, we wanted to do something more so, we decided to train our recruiters with the Black Belt in Internet Recruitment Certification from Social Talent.

This certification allowed our team to learn sourcing techniques, personal branding, boolean search formulas, how to approach to candidates and sell a job position besides other skills.
With all these not only you will have the best talent for your company; your new employees will have the best “Candidate experience”. In our selection process, the human skills are our priority and the Recruitment ScreenITeam will guide you step by step from beginning to the end.

Working with ScreenIT have big rewards, you’ll be treated not as an employee, customer or recruiter but, as family where the most important value is the human value; we will take great care so you won’t want to leave us.

If you want to learn more about our recruiting process, nearshoring or are you interested in working with us please subscribe to our newsletter.

By Arce

View Arcelia Hdz. Requena's LinkedIn profile View Arcelia Hdz. Requena’s profile