

By: Jessica

Invest in Mexico, trust in ScreenIT

One of the first things that some people think when hear about Mexico is Cancun! A vacation paradise to getaway and relax… I´m sure that many of you dear readers won´t let me lie.

I would like to let you know, that Mexico is much more than that, known in the IT stage as one of the main technology centers in Latin America. Talking about IT, I´m very sure that people have heard about Guadalajara (known as the Mexican Silicon Valley), Monterrey, Mexico City and probably about Queretaro, which is the city where ScreenIT has its headquarters. Last week this region was visited for an important world wide Technology Consulting, Staffing and Recruiting Solutions firm.

Our visitors had a busy business trip along our Country seeking for a business partner able to cover all the specific requirements that they have in terms of RPO and ITO centers

Queretaro´s IT industry.

They visited some of the main regions in Mexico related to IT and finished their journey in the city of Queretaro. Being the first time in the City for all of them, we can share their first thoughts: “What a beautiful city, this is definitely a place that I want to visit again with my family”

Beyond that, they could see what Queretaro has to offer in terms of infrastructure, human resources, skills and investment benefits. More than that, they got to know closer the ScreenIT culture, the way that we work in here and how do we enjoy our working hours. We are so proud to mention that they visited some other important companies in Mexico.

Since 2008 we have been playing a key role helping big IT Mexican, American and Indian based companies to minimize the gap that exists between the understanding of the HR Departments, focused on identifying and assessing the HR Talent, and the IT Departments demanding highly technical skilled professionals. Either in Queretaro or in Mexico City, Aguascalientes or Guadalajara, ScreenIT is always disposed to leverage your business in Mexico, no matter where, but always in the region that works better for your business.

Do not hesitate to contact us, at ScreenIT we are always open to hear you!

By: Jess

View Jessica Aguado's LinkedIn profile View Jessica Aguado’s profile
