Business, Candidates


By: Admin

ScreenIT new brand identity and Corporate image Announcement

Today is an important milestone for our company. I am proud to announce the launch of the new corporate image as part of the on going evolution of our company’s brand.

Our business has grown and evolved over the last 8 years, and we felt it was time for a change. We have refreshed our image to reflect the importance Human Talent has for us today and the impact they have in the future for our Customers.

This new look is an important part of ScreenIT and helps us signal to the outside world the transformational change that we are embarked on as we reach out and engage much more actively with the talent, IT passionates, and those who Create and Control Technology. We are positive that our new design will provide with a more consistent brand identity that speaks in a powerful way across all languages and regions.

I embrace the pride in becoming a multi national community united by a common purpose: Being Part of the Future.

We have re-designed our website and all social media, to be focused on those who are looking for great opportunities to work in the IT industry, and for those companies that are willing to expand operations in Mexico.

I am sure that the launch of ScreenIT’s new brand identity will mark the beginning of a successful new chapter in the impact of our work for Mexican Talent, our employees, and customers.

“ScreenIT, Human Skills for the Future”

Eduardo Campos

Founder and Chief Executive Officer

View Eduardo Campos's LinkedIn profile View Eduardo Campos’s profile